Sunday 8 July 2012

LIU WEI LI             S3-09           04/07/12
Learning about Plato
          Today is Wednesday and it was also not a very good day for me. The basketball training in the afternoon is as tired as the PE lesson yesterday. The only good time is when I was reading Sophie’s World during the reading program in the morning. It was not only the philosophy knowledge that was introduced in the book that interested me. Philosophy knowledge really shocked me when I was reading, but what I was really interested in was the history the book was talking about. These history was the one I did not know before. I still could not believe that I picked Geography. 
           In today’s reading program, I was reading about the story about Plato who was one of Socrates’ students. However, he was even more successful than his master in some way. Plato had his own understanding of the world, he thought that the actual world was very different from the ideal world. He said that there is an ideal thing behind everything which exist only in the ideal world. For example, behind every actual human beings, there must be an ideal human. I think that makes sense because when we are talking about physics, we always talked about ideal situations which did not exist in the actual world. Maybe Plato was true but no on could find out whether this ideal world exists. 
           After school, the basketball training started at about three thirty. This was the first basketball training for me in the new term. I felt very terrible in today’s basketball training. The training began with eight laps around the basketball court. This almost killed me as I had said before that I was very poor at long run even I just run at a very low speed. After the running, we had some free throw practice and that was actually the only thing that we did today. I felt terrible and missed most of my shot. I went back to my hostel with a very bad mood. 

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