Wednesday 11 July 2012

LIU WEI LI             S3-09            11/07/12
Helping C boys train
                Today is Wednesday and it was always not very fun because it was in the middle of the week. Nothing interesting happened except my bag was stuck in someone else’s locker and I could get it out. I put my bag on one of the lockers before I went to the toilet. Then, after I came back from the toilet, I found that my bag was stuck in Jinjie’s locker. I was sure he did that by accident. 
                We had three science lessons today as well as a maths lesson. I got very tired after the three science lessons. However, because the things that was taught in maths was very easy, I got to rest for a while during the maths lesson. The last lesson was Social Studies lesson. We were learning the Singapore healthcare system right now and we are going to write an essay about this tomorrow. I was still not very clear about these now so I better got a better understanding tonight or I will not be writing a good essay tomorrow. 
            After school, we could not go straight back to hostel because our basketball training started at three thirty and ended at five thirty. What we did today is helping the sec two students to learn how to defend. They are having a competition against Jurong sec basketball team tomorrow which is going to be a very strong team.We sec three students is not going to have any competitions so we just became the offender and help them to improve their defense. The C division boys were actually doing a very good job recently. They passed the first round by winning three games. It was almost impossible for us sec three students to win just a single game. I think the coach is also very satisfied with them right now. I hope we can make some improvement when we come to competition next year.

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