Thursday 21 June 2012

LIUWEILI     S3-09        25/05/12
Last day of school
       Today is the last day of school, we did not have any lessons. Instead of having lessons, we listened to several presentations from the sec one students in the Multi-purpose Hall and cleaned our classrooms. School started at normal time today though it was the last day before the holiday. We had reading period as usual today.
       After the reading program, we went straight to the classrooms and got ready to clean the classrooms. However, we had already cleaned our classroom last week, so we did some other activities instead of cleaning the classroom. First, Ms. Lim gave everyone a little card and we were asked to write our name on our card. Then, we submitted it to Ms. Lim again. After that, she split the cards to us and we need to write something good about the owner of the card we were holding. After we had finished, we need to give the card to another person and received another card and did the same thing.
       After we finished writing the card, we decided to play the game Taboo. Taboo was a kind of word game which I had never heard of when I was in China. I first played this game in the bridging course we took before the school started. The game was very interesting as well as very hard because of my poor vocabulary. It will be easier for me if I knew more words than I am.
       At about ten thirty, all of us went to the Multi-purpose Hall and ready to listen to the several presentation and the skits. The presentations were extremely boring but some of the skits were very interesting especially the one from black house. Before this section ended, a teacher announced the first three places of the sports games, skit challenge and the Sudoku challenge. Black house got most of them. 

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