Friday 22 June 2012

LIU WEI LI            S3-09            09/06/12
Madagascar 3
       Today is Saturday and I went to the cinema with three classmates from my former class in secondary school. I missed them very much and we were very excited to see each other. We have been planning this since last week, but we still haven’t decided which movie to watch. There were options for us to choose. For example, Man In Black 3, Madagascar 3 and so on. One of my classmates had watch most of the movie so it was very tough for us to choose.
       At the end, we chose the movie Madagascar 3. Madagascar 3 was a cartoon movie which was about several animals trying to go back to New York from Africa. We were very disappointed that we bought the ticket of this movie at first. But after the movie was on, it turned out to be very funny and worth watching. The zebra in the movie was extremely funny and so were the penguins. The penguins were very creative and they could invent all kinds of things. They were even very rich and they bought the circus to help them escape from the local police. They lied to the animals in the circus that they were also circus animals so that the animals in the circus would let them get on the train. However, later on, the animals in the circus found out that they were not circus animals. The animals in the circus think that they were betrayed and left. At the end, they regretted all this and together made the circus very successful.
       After watching movie, it was too early for us to go home. Therefore, we decided to go and play some games. We spent about fifty bucks to buy tickets and we finally get two pencils for each of us. Today was a really happy day.

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